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699th International Conference on Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences provides a leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Accordingly, Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Primary health care
Public health
Promotion health
Hospital management
Medical education
Molecular epidemiology
Immunology and molecular biology
Tropical medicine
Environmental health
Occupational health
Physical therapy/physiotherapy
Complementary therapy
Case Report in Clinical Trial
Medicinal Chemistry
Clinical Research and Statistics
Primary health care/Public health/Community care
Occupational health/Environment health
Health professional education/Nursing education
Health care system/Health policy
Adult health
Older people health
Infection prevention/emerging infectious diseases
Evidence based practice
Mental health/Psychiatric
Complementary care/integrative care/Alternative care
Peadiatric/Child health care
Women’s health
Quality of life
Maternal and child health
Good dentistry clinic and primare health care
Patient safety and safety – net dental
Good to Great Dental Hygiene, Innovations in Practice Settings
Integrating Oral Health and Primary Care
Early Childhood Oral Health Within Primary Care
Evaluating Clinical Quality Assurance
Infection Prevention & Control in the Dental Office
Oral Health: Why Should We Care? And What Can We Do?
Dental Management of the Polypharmacy Patient
Integration of Oral Health into the Patient Centered Health Home
Preventing Early Childhood Caries Through Medical and Dental Education and Collaboration
Effective School-based Caries Prevention Programs
Providing Dental Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
From the Community to the Clinic: Conversations About Fluoride
Pharmacy Practice
Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics
Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques
Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy
Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products
Pharmaceutical Industries
Regulatory Affairs in Pharmaceuticals
Pre-Clinical and Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials on Drugs used in Various Disorders
Adverse Drug Reactions
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Pharmacy Practices and its Challenges
Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management
Strategies for Growth in Pharma Environment
Good Pharmacovigilance Practice and Pharmacoepidemiology
Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics